Wet With the Program.
If we consider the miracles that were recounted both in the Old Testament and the New Testament we can find water often plays a large part. The Parting of the Red Sea and Jordan River, the Purifying of Tainted Springs by Elisha, the creation of the Earth by the Spirit of God moving upon the face of the waters, water to blood, water to wine, walking on water…
Water is pretty miraculous and still perplexes scientists with its properties today. It is not a mystery (however) that without it, every living thing would cease to be. Water is healing refreshing, soothing, & attractive, both life giving and deadly all at once. I had (most of my life) loved being close to water. I lived in a city on the Great Lakes with beautiful beaches bridges and big rivers, Hot and humid summers with the memory of many beach days. I lived about 2 blocks from a beautiful river scene.
When I became sick with Morgellon’s disease
I grew increasingly wary of humid environments, bodies of water and the mold that inevitably was a part of living in such a climate that caused it to thrive. Something I loved in my life (among many many other things) became tainted with the progression of this illness: rain, dust, upholstery, carpet, hair, cats, dogs, bugs, blankets, dirt, air, grass, sex, food, humans and I could go on. Most of us Morg sufferers will agree that our entire world has been turned on its head with not a single thing left unaltered.
It’s been a long road these last 4 years since I got sick. I have undergone a complete overhaul of every aspect of my mental, physical and spiritual understanding of the world I thought I understood. The lense I had previously viewed it through was very purposely distorted and polluted by powerful, devious actors and by cunning controllers that exert rule over us all from the shadows, (most of whom I had no idea existed).
Although some level of awareness began for me in 2016 when my dad got sick with cancer (that’s when I first began researching Alternative cures) mostly I was ambivalent to the goings on of politics and regulations on Western “healthcare”. During this search I happened across Clifford Carnicom’s research (which I had found incredibly disturbing my mind wanted to forget this info ASAP) along with other warnings of smart dust, the internet of things, accounts of natural cancer cures and the researchers that discovered them (who’s research and sometimes themselves were buried or at minimum) sabotaged by the mafia we call modern medicine).
My results didn’t get through to my Dad. Too powerful was the fear sewn by the institutions who profit shamelessly from it. I lost my mom unexpectedly and my Dad that same year which triggered my escapist-prone program to medicate myself back to sleep. I didn’t “come to” until right before the insanity of Morgellons turned my life upside down in 2020. By that time I couldn’t remember Carnicom’s name and censorship was high surrounding the topic.
I was quickly funneled by the algorithm censors into either: Morgellons is delusional parasitosis or Steve Beddingfield’s pages, (but also the dead Steve Beddingfield’s writings that the fake Steve takes credit for???). It sure sounds shady but the salespeople for his products have stated that they don’t care if he is impersonating a dead scientist (nor that he is purporting that Chemtrails and GMO are the governments noble effort to combat Morgellons disease). They feel confident enough to slather on his salves and even to eat them daily. It has become a cult of desperate single women (or unhappily married ones) who “Steve” manipulates into selling product and vigorously defending his (and Bill Gates’) honor. The pledges are sure to be studiously sending screen shots of any divergent conversations back to Steve in all the many Facebook groups dedicated to Morgellons. (Hi, “Steve” I’m not the only one who feels your fake identity should be a call for everyone’s pause)
I didn’t know how to get around the censorship then or even half of the extent to which my desperate searches were being throttled and misdirected (by our loving controllers in the alphabet institutions & the pHARMa mafia). So I set off on the long and winding self-diagnosis, and trial and error self-treatment of Morgellons Disease. I have put in thousands and thousands of hours of research since then and have learned and unlearned an incredible amount. I am still learning on the daily because only the fool chooses to remain unteachable. Unlike the Steve cult, I don’t believe I have this disease figured out so that I will shut down any other subject matter (IE deleting information and censoring other sufferers accounts or recommendation of treatments (that only coincidentally contend with the sales pitch).
This subject matter may put all the grifters to bed on the subject. I believe It has the potential to upend the medical establishment completely. I do wonder how many trolls will inform me of the dangers of water when I drop this as they have done previously with baking soda and Gum Spirits of Turpentine? Things that work get smeared and buried with fear campaigns and false info. Those who have made this a business model want to pick and choose convenient information that the chronic disease exploiters, murderers and poisoners give us when it supports their business model and discount what is contrary.
I want to remain impartial and am not afraid to admit when I have been wrong…or that treatment fatigue is real, or that this disease is a combination of many environmental toxins that vary from person to person. I say the more ammo we have to fight this thing, the better, so f something is working for someone: More power to it. Still, one should know there may be options that could be better suited for some symptoms or those that can be rotated in the case of treatment fatigue. I’m hopeful that this discovery I’m sharing might be the most useful tool in the arsenal by far.
The greatest thing about it is that it is completely free. I promised myself many times through this journey that I would never unduly benefit off of this abomination. Money complicates things and changes people. When you tie your livelihood to other people’s suffering, you begin to (consciously or not) root for the demand (suffering) to continue or expound so that your livelihood goes on. Intention is incredibly important and is meant to be the meat of the message of this post.
I have long had an aversion to money it was ugly to me, not so much the money itself but the evil it inspired in peoples behavior. Some might scoff at that statement because money is so ingrained in our culture. I can see how most people would find it incomprehensible because most everyone wants and wishes for more of. This is how the devil gets in and has completely captured our world. This is why music has turned bittersweet for me as well. One is rarely catapulted to fame unless they are willing to sell their conscience. It’s a twisted religion where the sacraments required to stay in the limelight get more and more depraved.
It has been programmed into our molecules to consume, to crave more enviable material and attention and recognition, and to present our physical self as fashionable. My mom (in spite of her many outstanding qualities) was always so preoccupied money. She was brutally frugal which was often painful and embarrassing. She did, however, teach me very important lessons on how to “make do with what you’ve got”. I learned ingenuity and self reliance and a can do spirit. I have fashioned many creative solutions to many life problems in what I call “MacGyver style”. Old people like me will remember the character MacGyver who could pick a lock with a ham sandwich. He always invented genius ways to use whatever was lying around in order to escape wild dangers and certain death. Loved that guy when I was growing up…
Okay, let’s bring it back around to intention. It is not arguable that our intention affects our surroundings. Quantum Mechanics have established that matter behaves differently when observed. We are all incredible energetic creations and this fact is being exploited by the inventors of Morgellons self-assembling nano technology. Our bodies energy is being harvested to power (only-these maniacs) and God knows what.
After waking up and coming to understand so many hideous truths that had been hiding just beyond our natural human ambivalence, I cannot even imagine what kind of horrible machine we have been feeding that hides behind such a well-guarded secret. It’s Cthulhu mind-breaker stuff for sure.
Anyway, I didn’t quite mean to take that detour. Intention is inarguably powerful. We have all experienced another persons energy intensely (for good or for bad). Without a word, many times people can have a marked effect on others enemy complete strangers. Then by adding words the effect either multiplies, or can be assuaged. It was the word that preempted creation and intention that preempted frequency. So let me get down to the business end of the post.
I went through an unexpected change in my life structure and began to endure a flare up of symptoms like I haven’t experienced since the beginning… my protocol stopped working and a lesion over my liver became very deep constantly leaking hydrogel fluid and it began to spread over half of my stomach. Then new lesions began popping up all over my torso back and front firey-red inflamed and painful.
Why? I am unsure. Perhaps because of a reduced mold exposure from changing jobs? I began to detox some of that exposure instead of soldiering through it. The human body is amazing and when we must our bodies can adapt to what is required of us. Perhaps this occurred because of an unidentified encounter with some toxin, or perhaps the Holy Spirit had something for me to learn… either way, I did learn.
I was at my wits end. I had probably 50 painful lesions and one very bad cluster that was only “faux-healing” with the gross fake scab (plaque) over the deepest parts of the cluster. I used ClO2 internally and diffused it in the shower, I used activated charcoal soap, I used a salt scrub that always provides relief… Nothing would work. I did my usual protocol, stopped it, tried one ingredient at a time, I did intestinal cleanses for biofilm and heavy metals, body alkalization, gum spirits of turpentine, other essential oils . I broke down and even applied a FenBen/oil mixture (made it worse) and even took some FenBen for a couple days. Nothing came close to helping and more and more lesions kept rearing up angry, red and painful.
I took to praying and repentance. I prayed for hours one night when I couldn’t fall asleep. Coincidentally (or not) while all this garbage was coming out of my body I was reflecting on my life, and so many disappointing ways that I behaved… actions that I hadn’t remembered for years. It was sad and intense. I thanked God upon remembering each failure for redeeming my brokenness and rescuing me in such a state, however. I am so lucky He didn’t give up on me.
Now is physical detox attached to the metaphysical? By way of regrets and trauma in our lives? I believe it to be so and there is scientific evidence of this. I had been getting at the heart of these deep networks. The root systems or “actuators” I was calling them. The stubborn place where these systems would respawn after their faux-defeat. Wouldn’t you know that is actually what they are called. Interesting key word search “E-Skin” for morgellons sufferers.
Well I had an idea after this prayer session come to me. I remembered a video by Greg Reese and a rabbit hole I pursued off and on concerning the amazing properties of water. Water can absorb intention and so its structure can be influenced or programmed positively or negatively. I began to think of all the instances of miracles and healing in the Bible that involved water. I remembered my vision of the overflowing chalice and the voice of God who called Himself “the Living Water”. That got my mind turning.
If Water can be programmed with positive intention, could it be programmed to provide the healing structure our body needs to overcome this enourmous plight? I immediately got up and went to my gravity water filter and wrote on it “purification by Jesus” on the receiving filter tank and “All Healing Antidote Living Water in the name of Jesus” on the purified reservoir. On my drinking vessel and water heater I wrote the same. On my shower head “universal antidote dispenser”. On my CLO2 diffuser container I wrote “Universal Antidote”. I drank a full glass of the water from the vessel I had blessed and got in the shower noticing even more angry lesions. I took a picture of the lesion over my liver before I got in
Right Before the “Blessed Water Protocol”
I took a shower in the water stream I blessed and guess what? It worked. I almost couldn’t accept or believe it, but all the inflammation and pain were relieved after I steamed for awhile in a hot shower with the ClO2 diffusing inside the blessed container. I used no salt scrub, just a bar of activated charcoal soap that was useless before the blessing (as was the CLO2 diffuser in a plain vessel 18 hours ago). As soon as I applied the charcoal soap every biofilm plaque dissolved with ease and washed off. I washed my hair with AC shampoo, and that was it. This is just a few hours later. No more raging lesions sprung up since that shower only a few small painless bumps
A couple hours Blessed protocol:
You can see a large different textured shiny biofilm still surrounding lesion. Much improved after only one treatment. This has dissipated with continuing treatments.
All the sensations of active lesions have disappeared and large biosensor “hairs” have been releasing from my skin with ease at shower time. I have lost inches off my middle where (apparently) the stores of toxins were clinging to me unbeknownst. I have since been able to discontinue my old internal protocol (except for baking soda, iodine trace minerals turmeric melatonin and CBD). I am doing just the shower +CLO2 (in blessed vessel) diffusion and a quick epsom salt scrub per shower for exfoliation that I do after using my 2$ activated charcoal soap. This has shortened my hygiene routine.
I still eat clean as possible and now drink plenty of water daily from vessels blessed with a written (general or specific) command according to what I am focusing on (a good general command is “universal Antidote” or specific such as “biofilm disintegrator”). I have a spray bottle that has a command “evil tech neutralizer” with water and a little ODOban in it. Another spray bottle “biofilm disontegrator and universal antidote” with a few drops of iodine and filtered water. It works.
I have detoxed so much biofilm, so many stubborn reassembling actuator spots have purged themselves without too much discomfort, although I absolutely notice some detoxification symptoms. IE drying itchy skin, biofilm detaching, and some coughing up of biofilm and toxins from the lungs. It was uncomfortable enough that I wrote “bronchiodilator lung cleanse” on a vessel of clean water and drank it. The congestion cleared up in 45 mins. No kidding guys.
Biofilm on my midsection where I retained some fat stores is drying out with some itching as it is dis-integrating (as programmed) from my own integumentary system. It has taken the appearance of dry patchy alligator skin pattern and my stretch marks became distinct again and now are fading as well. Not sure they are my real skin either? I didn’t realize so much biofilm was still attached to me with years of eating clean and detox. Many new freckles have appeared where actuators have dried up.
This process has demonstrated to me that our skin has not been our own for a long time. Deep layers of this hydrogel nanotech seem to set up shop in our fat stores, so I recommend doing a blessed water fast. We must get ourselves healthy. Salting helps pull water into the cells, so I recommend to continue salting (I like baking soda and Himalayan salt). While you give this cheap customizable treatment a try, I would love any feedback.
I am running another experiment that with luck will be of great evidentiary value. I will update if successful. With timeline.
Say I’m crazy… go on! But try it… what have you got to lose?
End of The second “Blessed Protocol” Day
10 days later... No new lesions plaques are gone and so much redness has faded, stretch marks are changing. I’ll update when the scar tissue fades. I plan to try a blessing that breaks it down, after the biofilm is released more completely.
I was reminded of this passage of the Bible which feels very significant to the process. I am of the opinion that this sounds far out enough that the healthcare mafia will only try to discredit my experience…this could really revolutionize the way people look at healinh. The beauty of this process is that the engineering of the cure is done by an intelligence super-ceding our own. The Living Water, and Great Physician.
Praise God from whom all blessings FLOW.
A historical account of water being blessed for health.
And Amen.
I'm going to try this! What have I got to lose? I'm so glad this is working for you. Thank you for sharing!
i love these findings... Dr Emoto is a legend. its really sad that you mostly only ever hear new agers talking about the truth about water, because it's honestly a biblical truth. rife technology is good too. God bless you. if you haven't tried rife stuff yet, this might help, i used to use it often https://youtu.be/NuGplsQ60A0