Morgellons disease is a condition characterized by strange fibers, crystals, granules, and hairlike structures that are produced shed from the skin of sufferers often through slow healing lesions. Other symptoms include crawling skin, swelling, crippling fatigue, neurological issues, inflammation, joint/ muscle/organ pain, and brain-fog, among others. There have been cases of this symptoms set dating back almost 30 years. Morgellons is multi layered infection caused by the uncontrolled self-assembly and replication of synthetic biology, environmental toxins and GMO.
The condition that inspired the informal name “Morgellons” was dubbed by making only vague associations to another strange condition documented in 1690 with which the above symptom set shared only loose associations. There is a description of “harsh hairs” in this old rare condition, but the hairs only erupted on the backs of children and were associated with coughing fits. This is not the same disease. The name is a notorious placeholder reminding sufferers constantly of how after 20+ years of engineered lack of progress, sufferers have been discounted, labeled crazy, ostracized and gaslighted by the Institutions that they came to for answers.
Morgellons Disease is caused by a combination of manufactured synthetic biology, nanotoxicity and environmental toxicity expressing itself in the body. It is not a natural parasite, it is not a spirochete, it is not Lyme disease, Morgellons is not just fungus or mold exposure or syphilis, but these things all play a part as vectors, host platforms for replication/synthesis and/or co-infections.
Fungus has been widely used in synthetic biology cloning (ect) and now is weaponized as one of the effective methods used to quickly colonize a host body, then to mimic tissues and effect the hosts system/perceptions, vampirize the hosts metabolism nutrients, electrical/processing capacity and create a “wetware interface” that can be programmed with EMF signals from outside sources.
The cause of Morgellons Disease has been thoroughly outlined with extensive research done by Clifford Carnicom and Dr Hildegarde Staninger going back to 1998. The EPA received evidence (gathered from many different Chemtrail contaminated rainwater samples) of an unidentified xenobiotic all the way at the turn of the century by Clifford Carnicom. The EPA refused to analyze the sample. This is documented. The synthetic organism has since been cultured successfully and demonstrated to be the catalyst which causes the body of Morgellons sufferers to assemble and expel foreign fibers or “debris.” The self-replicating technology was named Cross Domain Bacteria by Clifford Carnicom (for lack of a better description) because of its unique lifecycle characteristics that are an unprecedented hybrid of all the three scientifically identified life domains. CDB is a self-replicating hydrogel polymer which is programmable through EMF and toxic to the human body.
A. The Prokaryotes (Eubacteria = Bacteria and Cyanobacteria)
B. The Archaebacteria (Archaea)
C. The Eukaryotes
(Must watch prophetic!! Video is Part 1 of 2. Part 2 is called Stargate with Tom Horn and Dr. Hildegarde Staninger 2011)
What do Parasites have to do with Morgellons Disease?
Parasites are often labeled as the cause of MD. Let me explain to you why they are not the culprits, and why no matter how many anti-parasitic treatments or parasite cleanses are implemented, remission will remain elusive.
When I was a little girl, my dad caught me outside throwing rocks and cussing at the tree in the back yard. He asked me why I was mad at the tree. I said, “That tree keeps shaking it’s leaves and blowing my hair!” This metaphor can sum up in large the whole of Allopathic medicine mis-identifying symptoms as the cause of the illness. In a MD sufferer, parasites represent the leaves on the tree, which is being manipulated by the same wind (technology) that is causing the unwanted effect on the human body. Cutting down the tree will not solve our problem, but Western docs have the chain saw revved up and ready to start chopping anything (masking symptoms) not even excluding the patient themself.
The cause of Morgellons disease is catalyzed by a hydrogel nanotech synthetic biology that is Genetically modifying and manipulating the parasites' behavior in order to affect the real target which is every complex creature (especially the humans) systems. Parasites and all life have been contaminated with self-replicating programmable nanotech. Parasites are such good immune system evaders and fast replicators. They are the perfect vectors for introducing toxic payloads under the skin and into critical systems and horrifyingly they are not the only delivery system being utilized. We are breathing in Geo-engineering (chemtrails) smart dust (self-replicating hydrogel nanotech) along with poisonous, (even radioactive) and heavy conductive metals at 20 million particles per breath. Parasites are attracted to heavy metal toxicity and where one is, the other is always present within the body.
Will we feel better after treating an out-of-control Parasite infection?
Eventually yes, but not unless heavy metal toxicity is also addressed. Dead parasites release all the heavy metal toxins which they help to sequester away from our cells. Killing off all the critters will not solve the problem. We will become ill if their integral duty being neglected in our system. Our body is host to many parasites & bacteria that all serve a function. Parasites do us a favor by mopping up the heavy metal toxicity. Inevitably, parasites will continue to reinfest the body until we chelate (remove) the heavy metals, interrupt the synthetic biology lifecycle that catalyzes the parasites uncharacteristic virulence and also make our bodies a less hospitable environment for infestation.
Health is a careful balance of the microbiome, and we must understand that the trillions of microorganisms (which are a part of our intricate design) are also under attack by this manufactured bioweapon. Our “gut instincts” are being targeted for takeover because they are intricately linked to our higher thought processes and our soul. The link below will explain the realness of this technology from the lecture of an Elite “ethics” professor and DARPA program leader. He explains the capability of scientists to control insects parasites or pathogens with gene editing and tiny tech that causes major disruption in the human body processes and disabling health problems.
What is the relationship between biofilms fungus and mold and MD?
Biofilms are formed by bacteria fungus and parasites as a sticky film of cooperating invaders that can mimic tissue and avoid our immune systems by forming on surfaces of organs feeding off the host. Synthetic biology polymer hydrogels are synthesized by using fungal biofilms as a platform they become a hybrid matrix that responds to frequency. This technology is assembled with our bodies own organic components and environmental toxins (minerals, metals, silicon, yeast, & polymers) which are combined in an unnatural and unprecedented way. Fungus/candida/yeast is a very efficient platform for the replication of synthetic biology biofilm matrixes that can take on the shape of neighboring cells. Yeast platforms are used in biosensing, genetic and metabolic engineering, among other uses. They are also used in producing all kinds of synthesized vitamins and chemicals. This technology has been employed in pharmacology, gene editing and protein synthesis for decades.
“Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a versatile microbial platform to build synthetic metabolic pathways for production of diverse chemicals...This study demonstrates the effectiveness of a single gRNA-mediated CRISPR platform to build complex metabolic pathways in yeast.”
Yeast S. Cerevisiae (baker's Yeast) is considered an essential part of the “standard tool kit” for scientists in the fields of synthetic biology and metabolic/genetic engineering. I won’t explain it in detail but anyone can enter key research terms to better understand the vital role yeast (candida) and mold play by providing a host for synthetic tissues and organisms to replicate and assemble and infiltrate our bodies.
“Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an excellent microbial cell factory for producing valuable recombinant proteins because of its fast growth rate, robustness, biosafety, ease of operability via mature genomic modification technologies, and the presence of a conserved post-translational modification pathway among eukaryotic organisms. However, meeting industrial and market requirements with the current low microbial production of recombinant proteins can be challenging. To address this issue, numerous efforts have been made to enhance the ability of yeast cell factories to efficiently produce proteins. In this review, we provide an overview of recent advances in S. cerevisiae engineering to improve recombinant protein production. This review focuses on the strategies that enhance protein production by regulating transcription through promoter engineering, codon optimization, and expression system optimization. Additionally, we describe modifications to the secretory pathway, including engineered protein translocation, protein folding, glycosylation modification, and vesicle trafficking. Furthermore, we discuss global metabolic pathway optimization and other relevant strategies, such as the disruption of protein degradation, cell wall engineering, and random mutagenesis. Finally, we provide an outlook on the developmental trends in this field, offering insights into future directions for improving recombinant protein production in S. Cerevisiae."
Covid and Covid gene therapy shots have instigated the accelerated abnormal folding of proteins in many persons. An example of an abnormal protein folding disease is Mad Cow Disease. The modification mentioned to “optimize the protein production process” obviously in the shots that billions received was Not made to benefit our health. It is apparent that this was intentionally meant for destruction. I believe the massive disease-causing abnormal protein folding was engineered that way on purpose, and the existing yeast in the body and diet is utilized to become efficient synthetic biology factories. Many people have candida overgrowth, and a western diet is rife with it. This is only one example of our microbiome being turned against us. Believe me when I say if one part of the microbiome is under attack, that all of them are. Prion diseases are caused by misfolding proteins. They are degenerative and highly lethal. Some examples of prion diseases are Alzheimer and Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease.
If they are spraying us with Chemtrails and loading the food and water with these toxins, why do they need to utilize parasites?
The way our body’s incredible immune system is set up, when toxins are introduced by mouth or through the lungs or skin, the immune reaction is extraordinarily strong. The foreign or unknown substance is marked for elimination by the lymphocytes, or it is enveloped in lipid or fat tissue and stored away from vital processes (synthetic substances are not recognized by the body and so this a major contributing factor to obesity). A toxin bypassing those defensible entry points is a more efficient way to ensure disruption of the body’s processes.
How would one bypass those defenses? The first obvious way is injection directly into the blood stream. There now exists a more complex and diabolical way, utilizing parasitic organisms (that already serve a purpose in the human body) as trojan horses. Weaponized parasites then are programmed to deliver instructions to the targeted cells that shut off certain genes which would regulate their replication or control endless other functions of the body. The bait is our toxic system blanketed by heavy metals 24/7 and the parasites cannot resist. There is no way to avoid this contamination short of living in a cave in the middle of nowhere.
Is there any hope for MD help through the Medical Institutions?
I spend a lot of time responding to naysayers who insist that this is an organic condition and that somehow our scientists and doctors just cannot figure out. What most people do not understand about doctors is that they are most often only glorified pharmaceutical salesman.
Docs are part of a cult that paid big to be “INDOCTRINATED.” The Medical schools (camps) build up students ego to believe they are exceptional among their peers even though many are only just above average intelligence. This is a common grooming technique used by predators on children or on battered women to seduce them into subservience. These pre-med students likely are granted places in higher institutions according of their proclivity to assimilate to the program of Rockefeller medicine, and the heavy debt of medical school loans ensures compliance with most docs.
Being a critical thinking caring medical professional who researches and cares about curing people DOES NOT pay. Our popular culture portrays doctors as enviable, rich, and deserving of reverence which appeals to the pride and ego of a certain type of person. Post-graduate, the new Docs are heavily indebted and (almost always) adhere to the program of financial incentives for vaccines and prescription meds for the treatment of symptoms of chronic disease. The way the institution of health is set up makes it nearly impossible for a doctor to make a living outside of the pharmaceutical model. Many MD sufferers hold a hope that (some day) we will be validated by the Medical system. This will not happen. Doctors will be ostracized, penalized and even prosecuted for treating us with anything other than psychiatric medicines. **
Only recently there has been been a somewhat pathetic attempt from the system to do damage control (with so many newly symptomatic people 5G) and to somewhat rein the stance that Morgellons is delusional disorder. It still does not explain the real origin, and makes only vague associations to Lyme and Fungal infections. The new definition makes them appear to have made an oopsie error in labeling us delusional…. For 25+ years. Yeah right. This is not a win, but only a concession so they can continue to control the narrative surrounding this explosive disease.
This video reads through the new “consensus”
It was only weeks ago standard practice when help was sought for MD in the traditional Rockefeller medicine system, health “professionals” would remain focused on the coinfections or symptoms one by one as if they were the cause and never lend credence to the disease process called “morgellons”. They would go about to lead the health-insured-sufferer on (especially the sufferer with Medicaid) by doing expensive dead-end testing while following the secret directive from the system which called to never look for or to outright ignore the real cause or any abnormal markers in the bloodwork associated with this illness such as anemia and elevated leukocytes (among others) and place the sufferer under involuntary psychiatric hold if necessary.
You could bet that 99.9999% of Docs would end up throwing up their hands in cuckd surrender and feigned bafflement, inevitably only to offer the sufferer lifelong psych meds as the only resort. The sufferer with systemic swelling pain and inflammation and terrible unhealing wounds must be dreaming it all up. They would fire the patient who refused the psych meds and leave them at square none with a delusional diagnosis to follow them around from doc to doc forever. Those who DID NOT have insurance, would be quickly removed from the docs office through humiliation and gas-lighting.
The above was protocol up until very recently. Docs livelihood depended on it. These actions were ordered by their higher ups who report to alphabet agencies who are charged with obscuring the cause of this disease. Were it exposed fully it would be recognized as the single greatest crime against humanity ever perpetrated. ***Know this!!! They are still obscuring the truth and do not want you well.
I have seen more doctors treating the MD sufferers with some dignity lately, I believe it is because the Chevron Defense was just reversed by the Supreme Court leaving these institutions vulnerable to negligence lawsuits where they cannot be their own expert witnesses. This does not mean that they will change their ways. They are corrupt to the core and have always played the pharma game. They may placate, but in the end it will not change to serve the people’s health.
This is a question I can only answer with what I believe are the most likely explanations. Some bodies might have just reach maximum toxicity levels where the immune system is overwhelmed. There are also gene-specific bioweapons that affect certain ethnic groups differently due to weaknesses or predispositions to certain illnesses or disease processes.
I have also noticed that as an (extremely intuitive psychica linclined person) many of us who are sick and physically rejecting this technology are psychically, creatively, or spiritually inclined. Is it because we are more more sensitive and aware of this invasion because of our existing connectedness.. We can feel the dark energy invasion down to the cellular level and therefore are unconsciously instructing our bodies to attack and reject the technology. This is why our skin (which is an elimination organ comparable to a third kidney) is pushing this technology out and violently rejecting it. So as hard as it is to comprehend, (in my opinion) this is a blessing. We are blessed to recognize the enemy's calling card before others, who are being transformed into something inhuman without their knowledge or consent.
The goal of this technology is to integrate with and mimic human tissues in order to assemble a counterfeit nervous system and EMF programmable machine-brain interface which can monitor, influence, and control our behavior and eventually puppet our bodies. Mankind is a harvestable workforce, a convenient source of revenue for the .01% parasite class who are accustomed to exploiting the energy of billions of human beings like cattle. Unfortunately, human beings happen to have a pesky thing called free will (or what we refer to as a soul), and the desire for dignity and freedom. These are traits that are undesirable and thus have been the target of genetic modification or “human hacking.” Human hacking is a very real thing that has not been a hidden goal of the very Elite. There exists abundant writing, discussions and panels featuring powerful elites such as Yuval Noah Harari (lead advisor to the WEF) discussing these topics openly.
This maniacal plan is rooted in secret societies, elite powers and satanism. There absolutely is a spiritual aspect to this whether we want to believe or not. These Elite’s know and believe and are actively fulfilling Biblical prophecy because their inverted belief system awaits the Anti-Christ who is their messiah. Elites have pledged their soul in allegiance to the king of this world (evil) for worldly power and riches and now are trying to cheat the system. They want to escape the contract to which they owe their own eternal damnation. This is why we have become their test subjects for this transhumanist technology which is unpredictable and extremely dangerous. These large-scale tests are being monitored to understand which combination of nanotechnology will have the desired effect of life-extension, while the maiming and culling of millions are another added bonus. Some infected will be transformed into creatures that cannot die. Revelation predicts this.
Revelation 9:6 “And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.”
Some will be infected with a form of immortality that is not divine, but instead a demonic eternal slavery which will cause us to long for death. What needs to be understood is that only the opposite of such a diabolical evil will save us. Jesus is the Great Physician. The incredible beauty of this world along with every precious joy that we have and will experience was gifted by God. Even the Satanists take pleasure in God’s Holy Creation. Their mission to invert and destroy every good and perfect gift will only assassinate their own joy and pleasure that they live for. They put their trust in the father of lies. Only repentance and pure Goodness can redeem the damage done
You can diagnose yourself with a $70 tomlom scope and sellotape easily. Look up FM8 on stack for the best scope.
My friend you have outdone yourself. I particularly enjoyed the smear applied to ignorant Drs. I would love my Gp to read it but alas, I do not believe that she could. She would need to open her eyes first in order to be able to read. The same smear(lets call it a papsmear) should be applied to at least one reader that commented on your post. Stuck 8n a 1980s time warp the poor soul.