Rubbery Fruit & Stringy Chicken: Is this the effect of Synthetic Biology Self-Assembly Polymerization of Our Food Supply and Environment?
This transformation is also happening to our human bodies.
I came across these stories of strangely textured fruits and vegetables, rubbery silicon like fruits and stringy chicken…
Fruits that have an altered rubber texture and a bad taste. Blueberries that appear to be silicon. Chicken that turns into a stringy stomach churning “spaghetti” meat.
With all the amazing work that Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea and Carnicom Institute and many amazing microscopists have done on showing the polymerization or plasticization of the human body (which has been verified by many doctors & citizen microscopists), I am left wondering. There is abundant evidence of a disturbing change to human blood tissues and cells. I am wondering if this is just the inevitable progression of the transformative nanoparticle synthetic biology that is blanketing our environment.
Funeral Director Richard Hirschman has brought forward disturbing evidence from bodies of the deceased which contained (sometimes feet long) rubbery clots. The “clots” have been removed from the vascular system of first the vaccinated and now the unvaccinated.
These clots were analyzed and found to contain self-assembling polymers (plastics) and conductive heavy metals which continue to grow and self assemble even when the host body is long dead and even when preserved in specimen containers.
These self assembling nanotechnology hydrogel polymers have been found in all meats labeled organic and otherwise, dairy products organic or otherwise. They are in everything. They have been found in chemtrails raining down on our crops, contaminating our water supply and being breathed in at 20 million particles per breath by every respirating animal. Never mind the poor aquatic life swimming in this toxic soup. It is not far fetched to imagine this is the next step in the progression of this madness.
Morgellons disease sufferers (the numbers of which are exploding since 2019) have had the fibrous debris shedding from their bodies cultured and analyzed and wouldn’t you know? Self assembling polymers.
We must wake up from our denial. This has got to be stopped and insane maniacs need to be held accountable. The people spraying us with this crap are attempting to “block out the sun” in order to “save the planet” from global warming Apparently it can only be done by spraying the most toxic earth poisons and endocrine disruptors known to man. I’m talking about Bill Gates geo-engineering. I’m talking about the Biden Admin and the enormous nanotechnology budget.
We are paying for death and disease with our tax dollars and can only muster enough energy from our inflamed and toxic bodies to keep going to work, to collapse exhausted, eat some more processed poison, binge watch Netflix rinse and repeat.
Nanotechnology is admittedly added to food to “monitor” our gut health and for several other “safety” and “sustainability” reasons. Those words awake folks recognize the lipstick on the pig… a mad deadly depopulationist blood-thirsty pig.
We must accept reality! They are slow killing us people!
Jesus Christ have mercy!! Christ have mercy on the children and your people, turn the hearts of the lost to the ONE TRUE LIGHT who will heal our land. In the name of the Holy Savior. Amen.
Pray for us all.